The Atlantic Association of Registrars and Admissions Officers

Ethics Agreement & Best Practices
Ethics Agreement
Agreement to abide by the Atlantic Association of Registrars and Admissions Officers’ Statement of Ethics
Member Institutions agree to abide by AARAO’s Statement of Ethics and to pay the annual membership fee. The Statement of Ethics is included in this document and incorporated by this reference. The Member Institution agrees that failure to comply with the Statement of Ethics may result in the suspension of membership (Article III – Section VI) and its representatives from any and all participation in current and future AARAO activities. It is further agreed that payment of the annual membership fee must be made by cheque payable to AARAO. This cheque is to be forwarded to the Treasurer of the AARAO Executive.
Any notice to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and served upon a party by mail, fax or email. Such notice shall be served to the party at the address that the party set forth in the Agreement. A party wishing to change its designated address shall do so in writing to the other party. Notice serviced by mail shall be deemed complete when deposited postage is prepaid in the Canadian Post. Rejection or refusal to accept, or the inability to deliver because of changed address of which no notice has been given, shall be deemed to be receipt of the notice.
The provisions of the Agreement shall be deemed independent and severable, and the invalidity, partial invalidity, or unenforceability of any one provision or portion thereof shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision herein.
Amendment and Waiver
No alterations, modifications or additions to this Agreement shall be binding unless reduced to writing and signed by the parties to be charged therewith. No covenant, term or addition to this Agreement shall be deemed waived by AARAO and Member Institution.
Successors and Assigns
This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of any successors and assigns of AARAO and any permitted assigns of the Member Institution.
The individual executing this Agreement on behalf of the Member Institution represents and warrants that he or she is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on the Member’s behalf. This instrument embodies the whole agreement of the parties. There are no promises, terms, conditions or obligations other that those contained herein; contract shall supersede all previous communications, representations, or agreements either verbally or written between the parties.
Suspension and Subsequent Cessation or Termination of Membership (Article III – Section VI, VII, VIII, and IX)
As per Article III – Section VI, suspension of membership shall occur if, at the time of formal Dispute Resolution Procedures (Article III – Section X), the conduct of a member institution and/or its representative(s) has been determined to be in willful breach of any item in the Statement of Ethics.
As per Article III – Section VII, membership will terminate if, after a period of 12 consecutive months, suspended members have not successfully petitioned for reinstatement, as per Article III – Section IX.
Reinstatement of Membership (Article III – Section IX)
If membership has been suspended as per Article III – Section VI, a petition for reinstatement shall acknowledge the breach of ethics that caused the suspension and/or subsequent termination of membership and clearly delineate the actions that have been implemented to satisfy the stipulations for reinstatement, that were communicated to the institution by the AARAO Executive, as per Article III – Section IX.
Dispute Resolution Procedures (Article III – Section X)
As outlined in Article III – Section VI, if a recruitment representative feels that a member institution or its representative(s) is in violation of the standards and conduct outlined in the AARAO Statement of Ethics for Recruitment Professionals , the following summarized steps are required (for more information, please refer to Article III – Section X):
1. First discuss the alleged violation with the offending parties in an attempt to informally resolve the matter.
2. At the conclusion of the informal discussion, if the initiator is not satisfied that the alleged violation has been satisfactorily explained and/or rectified, they may submit a complaint in writing, via mail, e-mail or fax to the AARAO President or Vice-President.
3. Within 7 days of the date upon which the written complaint was received the President or Vice-President shall communicate the dispute to all members of the AARAO Executive.
4. The AARAO Executive shall review the written complaint and solicit verbal and/or additional written information from both parties so as to arrive at an informed and equitable decision.
5. If either party is dissatisfied with the decision of the AARAO Executive, a written appeal may be submitted to the President or Vice-President within 7 days and the Executive shall review the appeal. The decision of the AARAO Executive shall be final and binding.
6. If a member fails to submit a formal complaint and/or appeal within the time limits, the complaint shall be deemed abandoned.
AARAO Statement of Ethics
PSE professionals, by virtue of their responsibilities within the academic community, represent their PSE institutes to the larger society. They have, therefore, a special duty to exemplify the best qualities of their institutions, to observe the highest standards of personal and professional conduct, and to agree to adhere to the following principles:
a. Representatives promote the merits of their institutions and of education generally, without disparaging other post-secondary institutions and/or programs.
b. The words and actions, of representatives, embody respect and truth, fairness, free enquiry, and the opinion of others.
c. Representatives respect all individuals without regard to race, colour, creed, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic or national identity, handicap or age.
d. Representatives uphold the professional reputation of the advancement officers and give credit for ideas, words, or images originated by others.
e. Representatives safeguard privacy rights and confidential information.
f. Representatives do not grant or accept favours for personal gain, nor do they solicit or accept favours for their institutions where a higher public interest would be violated.
g. Representatives avoid actual or apparent conflicts of interest and, if in doubt, seek guidance from the appropriate authorities such as the AARAO Executive and/or one’s direct supervisor.
h. Representatives follow the letter and spirit of laws and regulations affecting institutional advancement.
i. Representatives will abide by the AARAO Fair Guidelines and Best Practices Policy.
j. Representatives observe these standards, and others that apply to their professions and actively encourage colleagues to join them in supporting the highest standards of conduct.
AARAO Fair Guidelines & Best Practices Policy
a) All AARAO Members and registered fair participants agree to:
- abide by the AARAO Fair Guidelines and Best Practices Policy, which will be policed by the Week Lead organizers and ROPC chair, with support from the AARAO Executive;
- NOT distribute the AARAO coordinated schedule to any non-AARAO person, institution or member;
- be responsible for reading and responding in a timely manner to all relevant communication sent out by the AARAO Executive Committee;
- register for all fairs prior to the deadline set forth each year by the ROPC chair;
- be prompt and attend all confirmed events during the week(s) for which the institution has registered. Failure to attend a scheduled event during a week for which your institution is registered will result in a written warning. Subsequent infractions for registered weeks (if registered for the week and a scheduled event is missed) will result in a fine and/ or further disciplinary action.
- If illness or unforeseen circumstance arises, whereby the representative cannot attend the scheduled event, the expectation is to contact the Week Lead and fair host prior to the event. Institutions will not be penalized for missed events due to illness or unforeseen circumstances in so far as it is not a regular occurrence.
- If your institution has special circumstances which may affect its ability to attend all events in a scheduled week (i.e. specific admission requirements, staffing challenges, etc.), please contact the AARAO Executive at least one week in advance of the affected events to explain the circumstance
- continue active participation in a confirmed event throughout the scheduled timeframe of the event unless prior approval has been given by the event organizers for all participants to conclude activities;
- notify the AARAO Executive Committee of any personnel changes in order to accurately maintain the Listservs and to ensure that all member institutions have signed the AARAO Ethics Agreement. This is applicable to all registered fair participants;
- abide by AARAO’s Statement of Ethics. Failure to do so could result in the suspension or the termination of your institution’s registration and AARAO membership suspension or termination (if applicable). Reinstating membership, and/or the right to register and participate in future AARAO tours, will be at the discretion of the AARAO Executive Committee
- The Best Practices Guidelines are to be communicated to and accepted by all AARAO members and registered participants for all AARAO organized recruiting events. Representatives include: recruiters, faculty, alumni, students and any other institutional staff or volunteers.
- All representatives shall agree to impart information relating to their specific institution and its programs only. Representatives should encourage students to visit other booths if their institution is unable to offer programs relating to the student’s area of interest.
- Representatives will not use overt or implied negative comparisons of secondary or post-secondary institutions.
- Each participating institution shall provide clear, concise, up-to-date and accurate information pertaining to their programs, services, facilities, financial aid, and costs.
- Representatives may distribute brochures, catalogs, and other appropriate items that provide a factual description of their institution and its programs, and only from the booth.
- Plastic bags, bumper stickers, buttons, candy, or other advertising promotional material or gimmicks may not be distributed on the premises at a regular AARAO coordinated fair. Exception to this rule is for centralized events where the organizer has agreed that distribution will be allowed.
- Audiovisual media must be used with consideration for others. Videos, music, etc. may be used but must be within the boundaries of the booth. All audiovisual equipment must be used at low volume and noise levels kept to a minimum.
- Student traffic flow is to be conducted by the school counselor or fair host. AARAO members and registered fair participants are not to direct students to alternate venues such as parking lots or classrooms unless otherwise permitted.
- On-the-spot admission may not be conducted at any AARAO organized event.
- Display size and booth parameters:
- Regular Membership institutions that are in good standing may choose to register and pay for multiple campuses or academic departments for an AARAO week/event (up to a maximum of two display tables) when space permits.
- Any participating institution shall have no more than four (4) representatives at any AARAO coordinated recruitment event.
- Although display space will vary with space constraints, displays should be contained within the normal booth space provided by the host school, which is generally 8ft. long.
- A display unit should not exceed a height of 8ft. to avoid intruding on others’ space.
- To avoid interfering with other recruitment related activities, conversing with students, parents, etc. must be conducted from behind your booth.
- Any participating institution requesting booth space at an AARAO event shall agree to have a representative at the booth during the scheduled hours of the event and have the representative arrive at the event at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the event.
- For the health and safety of all fair participants, we do not allow animals at any AARAO organized events, with the exception of service/accommodation animals.
- There is to be no selling or raffling of products by representatives. AARAO does not permit demonstrations such as hair cutting, cooking, or other similar activities at any AARAO coordinated recruitment event.